Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sir Richard Lindo, Prosperity Author, Guru, Teacher Of Self Help SCS eBook Reveals Powerful Secrets Of Success In Life-- By Ikey Benney, CEO, Maychic Secret Laws Of Success (SLS) Empowerment Center

This article is about the importance of self help, development, motivational, inspirational ebooks and books that help people to solve their problems in life and obtain abundant wealth, success, prosperity, fame, power and happiness
There are about 7 billion human beings now living on earth, some of who have various types of problems in life.
They are unhappy, frustrated and miserable.
They wander about asking why they have money problem.
Why they have problem finding love.
Why they cannot get along with their wives, children, family members and neighbors.
They are unhappy because they are sick due to various diseases and infections.
Some people have been taught that there is a God and that they should worship him, have faith in him and pray to him when they have problems.
Therefore, they have been doing so all their lives and sometimes they get answers to their prayers that deepens their faith in God.
However there are some people who don't believe in any God and don't care about praying or having faith.
They are very practical and can solve their problems through rational thinking using information and resources they can
One of the easiest ways for people to obtain solutions is to read self- development and motivational books written by experts in human psychology and the science of existence that are versed in the laws and principles of success in life, who had studied human nature and therefore can advise you adequately on how to solve certain problems in life.
If you have a problem and also have the solution, you can solve the problem.
However, if you don't have the solution, it is common sense to seek somebody who has and obtain it from him or her to solve your problem.
Unfortunately, in this modern age of internet and Cable (satellite) many people are too busy watching TV, gossiping or doing drugs to have time to read a few good books on self-development, improvement and motivation.
Many people have hundreds of excuses why they don't have time to read books.
They will rather be watching movies, gossiping, and smoking than seeking realistic solutions to their problems.
Another issue is that many people dislike acknowledging that they have any problem.
The first step to solve a problem is to admit there is a problem in the first place.
Many people feel ashamed to talk about their problems. They carry them around on their shoulders wherever they go with sad faces dreaming about solutions or miracles and not doing anything tangible to solve them.
Many people are superstitious, have magical minds and very irrational.
They have low self-esteem, are shy like mice and lack personal confidence.
In modern world of computers and internet with so much free and useful information available free, it is absurd that people have problems and not able to get the solutions to them.
Many people who live in the world today don't know the history of the world.
They assume that the way the world is today with modern technologies is the way the world has always been.
They don't know that in the past, hundreds and thousands of years ago that there were no TV, computers, iPod, iPad, cars, watches, radio, ships, paved road, post office, email, and universities and schools were rare.
The average person was not allowed to obtain any education.
Only the rich, priests, clergy and titled people went to school and had access to any education and information.
Knowledge and information were scarce and very private.

People hardly knew what was going on beyond their towns.
They also did not know the world was big and there people who lived in other towns and countries.
If you compare the lives of our ancestors who lived 2000 yrs. or more ago to ours today, it is easy to say we are living in Paradise because of all the modern technologies we have and enjoy today.
Besides the average person today is allowed to obtain an education and access information.
Today, any person can know what is happening in any part of the world and communicate with anyone in many parts of the world.

You can get news from TV, radio, magazines and the internet.
There is surplus free information on the internet.
There are millions of books available in many private and public libraries that anyone can access!
There are thousands of writers and authors who have written and published self-help, development, improvement and motivational books that have revealed prosperity secrets of success and many of the books are available in the public libraries.
Those that are not available are cheap and affordable.
Some of these self-help, self-development and prosperity teachers and gurus are, Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, IKEY BENNEY, GALACTICCA, SCOGOSTOLOGY, SgSg, Catherine Ponder, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Jack Canfield, Bob Allen, Brian Tracy, Eckhart Tolle, Napoleon Hill, Ernest Holmes, Deepak Chopra, Osho Rajneesh, Dr. David Schwartz, Zig Zigler, Dr. T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyers, David Burns, Ben Sweetland, U.S. Anderson, Dr. Norman Vincent Pearle, Jim Rohn, Dale Carnegie, Steven Covey, Ken Blanchard, Pema Chodren, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Og Mandino, Wallace D. Wattles, Dan Millman, Zig Zigler, Shakti Gawain, Roger Fisher, Joyce Meyer, Billionaire Donald Trump, Mary Baker Eddy, Tom Hopkins, Vernon Howard, Tom Peters, Danielle Kennedy, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Nancy Synderman, MD, Jerry Kottler PHD, Harvey Mackay, Dan Poytner, Charles F. Haanel, Cherie Carter-Scott PHD, Warren Farrell PHD, Judith Briles PHD, Steven Allen Jr. MD, Chin-Ning Chu, Hattie Hill, Brian Holloway, Nathaniel Branden, PHD, Og Mandino, J. D. Krishnamurti, Deepak Chopra and many others.
Start today.
Don't wait until you have a problem to do something. Start reading!
If you can read a book weekly, you'll still have time to do other things in your life in addition to improving yourself by applying the principles and laws of prosperity and success in life that you obtained from reading self-help and self-development and motivational books and ebooks.
Thank you.
Maychic Secret Law Of Success (SLS) Empowerment Center
Maychic Secret Law Of Success (SLS) Empowerment Center publishes Self Help, Motivational, Development, Inspirational eBooks, Affiliate Programs For Success, Wealth & Happiness. Watch Maychic's SCS eBook videos at his Youtube Channel: DOWNLOAD FREE PREVIEW OF SCS EBOOK AT:

About the Author

Maychic Secret Law Of Success (SLS) Empowerment Center publishes Self Help, Motivational, Development, Inspirational eBooks, Affiliate Programs For Success, Wealth & Happiness. Watch Maychic's SCS eBook videos at his Youtube Channel:

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