Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Foreign Currency Trading E-Book Reveals $100,000 Monthly For Life Secret Income

This article is about a "SECRET" foreign currency trading program, forex trading, online forex trading, currency market, online investing, home business income, home business opportunity income program how to trade foreign currencies, forex trading education, foreign currency trading coach, software, how to make easy money online, work from home job, work at home program, learn forex trading, brokers, predictions, money managers, get rich trading forex, ebook, online investment, internet income program that helps anyone of average intelligence to create true wealth, success and happiness.

About 8 years ago, we discovered online foreign currency trading through a friend who was considered a reputable financial genius.

Foreign currency trading is when you BUY the currencies of the countries of the world and when their values go up, you SELL them and make money.

You can also do the opposite.

You can SELL the currencies and when their values go down, you BUY them and make money.

To us, it looked like the easiest, fastest and greatest way to make money on earth without doing any hard work or large investment.

We were very excited and rushed online to get more information about it.

We searched all over the internet to obtained more information on how to invest in foreign currency online and get filthy rich.

However, there were little good and valid information available online.

There were also very few websites selling foreign currency trading programs online.

We checked out a few of them and found out they were all selling the same type of information.

Basically, all wanted you to learn fundamental and technical analysis and spend many hrs daily reading forex graphs, doing forex mathematics and listening to news before you are able to trade the currencies and generate any income.

We were very appalled and discouraged because doing fundamental and technical analysis are not easy.

Moreover, if you open a forex account and hire a money manager to trade it for you, he/she would over trade your account and cause you to lose all your money. (account churning)

Some would make money using your account but generate a false account statement that shows you lost money and send it to you.

And there are some who would make money trading for you but who would not allow you to withdraw your money when you desire!

We read and heard about the stories of many investors who lost hundreds of thousands of their hard-earned money by using money managers to trade the foreign currencies.

That was why we were more interested to firstly, learn how to trade and try to make some money before we may consider using a money manager, if that would help us make more money.

The problem we had was that we could not find any forex-trading program e-book for the novice and beginner investor.

We went to the websites of many foreign currency-trading brokers to see if we could obtain any information that would make it easier to understand how to trade profitably.

We were shocked to find that all of them had the same information and they recommended the same thing: technical and fundamental analysis.

However, they had User Guides that teach how to use their software platforms to trade.

After spending a couple of months studying the User Guides from a couple of brokers and attempting to trade and failed, we were frustrated and sad.

Their User Guides were very difficult and confusing to understand.

It seemed to us that as if they were intentionally made difficult to prevent the average beginner from learning how to trade.

It appeared to us that because foreign currency trading is the easiest and fastest way to create wealth, there is a conspiracy to shut out the general public from learning how to trade and getting rich from it.

If it is made easy and everybody can click their mice and bam, generate $1000 daily, who would be interested in doing any office job or working in the factory for $6, $10, and even $30/hr?

This would explain all the rumors we heard on how dangerous trading foreign currencies are; that you could lose all your money and that you should not trade them.

We were shocked but not surprised or discouraged. It should be expected.

We knew that it is common sense to expect that if one finds a gold mine and desires to keep it all to himself and prevent others from knowing about it and becoming a competitor, he could prevent others by simply spreading false rumors that gold-mining is very dangerous, that you could lose all your money and that down inside the gold mine there are human-eating monsters waiting to swallow anyone alive who ventures down there.

What we decided to do was to embark on a mission to find a way to understand foreign currency trading and then simplify it and make it possible for any average person to get filthy rich from it, without doing any hard work, large investment, reading graphs, doing technical analysis or splitting hairs.

Within a year of practicing daily and learning as we go, we were able to develop a very simple, easy, profitable and POWERFUL system that we named "Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System".

We were very excited to achieve this and decided that we were not going to selfishly keep it to be ourselves and that we would share it with a few people because we knew that there were others who also wanted to get rich from foreign currency trading but could not find any easy and simple way to do so.

We created a website and began to market this program in an ebook format.

With Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System, any person with average intelligence, could now trade foreign currencies from his/her home or office and generate thousands of dollars weekly, without doing any hard work, large investment, reading graphs, doing technical analysis or banging his/her head on the wall or selling his/her soul to the devil.

Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System is foreign currency trading and investing made easy, simple, fun and very profitable.

Nevertheless, how do you know this is true?

There are so many deceptive people on the internet who peddle invalid information and e-books online these days.

It is difficult to trust anybody.

For this reason, we must ask you not to believe or trust us.

Let our record (foreign currency trading statement below) convince you.

Below is our recent demo foreign currency trading account statement to show you how powerful and profitable it is using our Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System.


Please be aware that Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System is sold as "information only" and there is no guarantee that you may do as well as we have done or make any money.

You could do as well as we do or even better or you could lose all your money.

Yes, foreign currency trading may be the easiest and fastest way to create true wealth if you do it right, as we recommend or it may become the easiest and fastest way to lose money!

It depends on you.

After you examine our demo foreign currency trading account statement below and you have fire in your belly and desire to stop making excuses for your lousy financial situation and problems in life, you may go to our website and get the ebook and study it and use our powerful SECRET trading information and strategy to start creating true wealth to achieve financial security and your ambitions in life.

If you are already a professional trader who is making more than $100,000 monthly, please ignore this article and ebook. Do not buy our ebook!


We are currently trying to diversify our business and planning to stop marketing Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System ebook.

Therefore, it is critically important that if you desire to obtain this powerful financial information that could help you create true wealth and become financially secure and happy at last, that you rush to our site and see if the website is still there.

Any day and at any minute, we shall stop marketing Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System and remove this website.

Now, you may go to our website at:

If you visit our website now and get Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System ebook, we wish that it would help you to finally start creating abundant wealth, success and happiness that you deserve.

Thank you.


To learn more, please visit Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System


(2 DAYS)

9725724 00543701 AUD/USD 1,000 S 0.88692 0.88528 164 $1,640.00
10/3/2007 12:28 10/3/2007 12:48

9725728 00543701 NZD/USD 1,000 S 0.75810 0.75700 110 $1,100.00
10/3/2007 12:28 10/3/2007 12:48

9720344 00543701 AUD/USD 500 S 0.88870 0.88690 90 $900.00
10/3/2007 08:19 10/3/2007 12:26

9721859 00543701 NZD/USD 1,000 S 0.76050 0.75830 220 $2,200.00
10/3/2007 09:36 10/3/2007 12:26

9721952 00543701 GBP/USD 300 S 2.03790 2.03590 60 $600.00
10/3/2007 09:41 10/3/2007 12:08

9703060 00543701 EUR/USD 500 S 1.41431 1.41331 50 $500.00
10/2/2007 10:47 10/3/2007 11:42

9723007 00543701 USD/CHF 1,000 B 1.17620 1.17610 -10 -$85.03
10/3/2007 10:21 10/3/2007 10:23

9722615 00543701 USD/JPY 1,000 B 116.590 116.630 40 $342.96
10/3/2007 10:09 10/3/2007 10:18

9722536 00543701 USD/JPY 1,000 B 116.540 116.615 75 $643.14
10/3/2007 10:07 10/3/2007 10:18

9722037 00543701 GBP/USD 300 S 2.03782 2.03772 3 $30.00
10/3/2007 09:43 10/3/2007 10:15

9721849 00543701 USD/JPY 1,000 B 116.426 116.537 111 $952.49
10/3/2007 09:35 10/3/2007 10:07

9720002 00543701 NZD/USD 500 S 0.76160 0.76075 42.5 $425.00
10/3/2007 08:03 10/3/2007 09:34

9719995 00543701 AUD/USD 500 S 0.88950 0.88920 15 $150.00
10/3/2007 08:03 10/3/2007 08:18

9719897 00543701 USD/JPY 500 B 116.128 116.19734.5 $296.91
10/3/2007 07:59 10/3/2007 08:17

9711476 00543701 USD/CAD 100 S 0.99520 0.99470 5 $50.27
10/2/2007 21:59 10/3/2007 07:58

9676068 00543701 USD/JPY 1,000 B 115.950 116.150 200 $1,721.91
220.00 10/1/2007 08:38 10/3/2007 02:53

9711374 00543701 USD/CAD 300 B 0.99592 0.99682 27 $270.86
10/2/2007 21:54 10/3/2007 01:53

9711402 00543701 NZD/USD 300 B 0.76250 0.76310 18 $180.00
10/2/2007 21:56 10/2/2007 22:02

9711420 00543701 AUD/USD 300 B 0.89020 0.89070 15 $150.00
10/2/2007 21:57 10/2/2007 22:01

9711305 00543701 AUD/USD 200 B 0.89000 0.89020 4 $40.00
10/2/2007 21:51 10/2/2007 21:53

9711303 00543701 NZD/USD 200 B 0.76215 0.76260 9 $90.00
10/2/2007 21:50 10/2/2007 21:53

9711293 00543701 USD/CAD 200 S 0.99613 0.99582 6.2 $62.26
10/2/2007 21:50 10/2/2007 21:52

9711091 00543701 AUD/USD 100 B 0.88890 0.89012 12.2 $122.00
10/2/2007 21:37 10/2/2007 21:49

9711099 00543701 NZD/USD 100 B 0.76080 0.76160 8 $80.00
10/2/2007 21:37 10/2/2007 21:49

9711125 00543701 USD/CAD 100 S 0.99733 0.99646 8.7 $87.31
10/2/2007 21:38 10/2/2007 21:48





beginning="beginning" total="total" gross="gross" p="p"



ENDING BALANCE: $90,997.57

N/N CloseDate/Time TicketN Instrument BS Lot Open Rate
Open Date Close Rate GROSS

(1) 08/12/2007 17:01:50 3502158 EURUSD S 4 1.3694 08/10/2007 18:40:42 1.3687 $280.00

(2) 08/12/2007 20:09:18 3502157 USDCHF S 1 1.1984 08/10/2007 18:35:40 1.198 $33.39

(3) 08/13/2007 11:10:13 3508196 EURUSD B 4 1.3617 08/13/2007 11:06:51 1.3622 $200.00

(4) 08/13/2007 11:11:14 3508200 USDCHF S 4 1.2052 08/13/2007 11:07:22 1.205 $66.39

(5) 08/13/2007 13:11:48 3508653 USDJPY S 1 118.36 08/13/2007 13:11:23 118.39 (-$25.35)

(6) 08/13/2007 13:16:46 3508197 GBPUSD S 4 2.0117 08/13/2007 11:07:12 2.0119 (-$80.00)

(7) 08/13/2007 13:16:46 3508660 USDJPY S 10 118.33 08/13/2007 13:13:36 118.31 $169.03

(8) 08/13/2007 13:20:39 3508669 USDJPY S 10 118.30 08/13/2007 13:15:50 $118.30

(9) 08/13/2007 13:24:53 3508688 USDJPY S 20 118.25 08/13/2007 13:20:58 118.23 $338.32

(10) 08/13/2007 13:37:35 3508689 GBPUSD B 4 2.0121 08/13/2007 13:21:35 2.0125 $160.00

(11) 08/13/2007 18:54:56 3508726 EURUSD S 8 1.3618 08/13/2007 13:23:48 1.3607 $880.00

(12) 08/13/2007 19:03:22 3509561 GBPUSD B 8 2.012 08/13/2007 18:56:30 2.0126 $480.00

(13) 08/13/2007 19:13:35 3508773 USDJPY S 20 118.26 08/13/2007 13:27:01 118.23 $507.49

(14) 08/13/2007 19:17:57 3508246 USDCHF S 1 1.2044 08/13/2007 11:11:32 1.205 (-$49.81)

(15) 08/13/2007 19:18:04 3508246 USDCHF S 1 1.2044 08/13/2007 19:17:57 1.2052 (-$66.41)

(16) 08/13/2007 19:18:12 3508246 USDCHF S 1 1.2044 08/13/2007 19:18:04 1.205 (-$49.81)

(17) 08/13/2007 19:18:50 3509596 EURUSD S 8 1.3608 08/13/2007 19:16:11 1.3607 $80.00

(18) 08/13/2007 19:19:05 3508718 EURUSD B 1 1.3622 08/13/2007 13:23:34 1.3604 (-$180.00)

(19) 08/13/2007 20:13:36 3509610 USDJPY S 10 118.21 08/13/2007 19:19:53 118.16 $423.16

(20) 08/13/2007 20:14:05 3509598 USDJPY S 5 118.24 08/13/2007 19:17:09 118.14 $423.23

(21) 08/13/2007 20:22:50 3508695 GBPUSD S 6 2.0116 08/13/2007 13:21:52 2.0106 $600.00

(22) 08/13/2007 21:29:24 3508246 USDCHF S 7 1.2044 08/13/2007 19:18:12 1.2042 $116.25

(23) 08/14/2007 01:49:25 3509618 GBPUSD B 7 2.0119 08/13/2007 19:26:42 2.0125 $420.00

(24) 08/14/2007 02:54:23 3510008 GBPUSD S 5 2.0111 08/13/2007 21:31:11 2.01 $550.00

(25) 08/14/2007 03:02:47 3509611 EURUSD S 8 1.3605 08/13/2007 19:20:25 1.3595 $800.00

(26) 08/14/2007 03:43:21 3509617 USDCHF B 7 1.2052 08/13/2007 19:26:25 1.2057 $290.17

(27) 08/14/2007 08:51:04 3508654 USDJPY B 3 118.39 08/13/2007 13:11:48 118.45 $151.92

(28) 08/14/2007 08:52:18 3512965 USDCHF B 5 1.2085 08/14/2007 06:34:58 1.2106 $866.98

(29) 08/14/2007 11:53:07 3515226 USDCHF B 1 1.2083 08/14/2007 11:32:56 1.209 $57.88

(30) 08/14/2007 13:55:36 3515853 EURUSD S 10 1.3567 08/14/2007 13:37:41 1.3547 $2,000.00

(31) 08/14/2007 13:57:09 3515852 GBPUSD S 10 1.999 08/14/2007 13:37:30 1.997 $2,000.00

(32) 08/14/2007 14:04:31 3515223 EURUSD S 2 1.3577 08/14/2007 11:32:09 1.3537 $800.00

(33) 08/14/2007 16:12:56 3510004 USDJPY S 7 117.86 08/13/2007 21:30:26 117.66 $1,189.87

(34) 08/14/2007 18:32:44 3515225 GBPUSD S 2 1.9996 08/14/2007 11:32:24 1.9962 $680.00

(35) 08/14/2007 21:50:41 3517335 EURUSD S 10 1.3527 08/14/2007 20:13:48 1.3522 $500.00

(36) 08/14/2007 21:50:53 3517333 GBPUSD S 10 1.995 08/14/2007 20:13:21 1.9946 $400.00

(37) 08/14/2007 21:51:03 3517059 GBPUSD S 2 1.9957 08/14/2007 18:34:51 1.9947 $200.00

(38) 08/14/2007 21:51:13 3517056 EURUSD S 2 1.3531 08/14/2007 18:34:38 1.3522 $180.00

(39) 08/14/2007 22:45:33 3517639 GBPUSD S 10 1.9943 08/14/2007 21:52:04 1.9933 $1,000.00

(40) 08/15/2007 00:02:32 3517640 EURUSD S 10 1.3519 08/14/2007 21:52:21 1.3516 $300.00

(41) 08/15/2007 00:02:43 3517042 USDCHF B 2 1.2108 08/14/2007 18:33:27 1.2118 $164.98

(42) 08/15/2007 08:27:27 3520782 USDCHF B 3 1.2137 08/15/2007 06:53:08 1.2153 $394.83

(43) 08/15/2007 09:07:43 3521394 USDCHF B 5 1.2157 08/15/2007 08:29:22 1.2168 $451.82

(44) 08/15/2007 11:11:58 3521738 USDCHF B 10 1.2171 08/15/2007 09:07:32 1.2178 $574.57

(45) 08/15/2007 17:23:16 3524788 GBPUSD S 10 1.9911 08/15/2007 16:19:51 1.987 $4,100.00

(46) 08/15/2007 17:23:24 3524786 EURUSD S 10 1.345 08/15/2007 16:19:28 1.3429 $2,100.00

(47) 08/15/2007 21:13:40 3525280 EURUSD S 15 1.3426 08/15/2007 17:24:10 1.34 $3,900.00

(48) 08/15/2007 23:12:27 3526629 EURUSD S 20 1.3407 08/15/2007 22:28:27 1.3393 $2,800.00

(49) 08/15/2007 23:15:45 3525277 GBPUSD S 20 1.9866 08/15/2007 17:23:52 1.9845 $4,200.00

(50) 08/15/2007 23:41:00 3526915 GBPUSD S 20 1.9839 08/15/2007 23:16:08 1.9816 $4,600.00

(51) 08/16/2007 06:36:19 3526919 EURUSD S 5 1.3385 08/15/2007 23:16:25 1.3375 $500.00

(52) 08/17/2007 07:47:54 3510010 USDCHF S 5 1.2037 08/13/2007 21:31:26 1.203 $290.96


To learn more, please visit Mscsrrr Automated Online Secret Wealth System

May this article about foreign currency trading, forex trading, online forex trading, currency market, online investing, home business income, home business opportunity income program how to trade foreign currencies, forex trading education, foreign currency trading coach, software, how to make easy money online, work from home job, work at home program, learn forex trading, brokers, predictions, money managers, get rich trading forex, ebook, online investment, internet income program help you to create true wealth, success and happiness.


You may republish this article at your website, blog or e-zine as long as you retain the author's resource box information including the website address, and do not alter the content of the article, Thank you.


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